Hours of religious services in Águilas
Hours of mass during the winter months: See below for details of the churches in which these services are held: Weekdays: 09:00 in the Parroquía de San José 19:30 (7.30pm) in the Parroquía de San José 19:00 (7pm) in the Iglesia Nuestra Señora del Carmen   Saturdays and on the eve of fiestas: 09:00 in the Parroquía de San José 18:30 (6.30pm) in Cristo de Medinaceli 19:00 (7pm) in the Iglesia Nuestra Señora..


Churches and places of worship in Águilas
Águilas is home to a number of churches of different denominations: Click for Hours of Mass in the Águilas municipality PARROQUIA DE SAN JOSÉ This is the principal church in Águilas and is the focal point for the majority of religious acts throughout the year. It is located in the principal plaza of the urban town opposite the town hall building. Plaza de España, Águilas Tel: 968 493 325 Click here for full information..


Parroquía de San José in Águilas
The main church of Águilas is a 19th century building in the Plaza de España The first church in Águilas was an old esparto grass warehouse which was converted into a place of worship in 1790 and dedicated to Our Lady of the Purísima Concepción and San Indalecio. This was the moment when the church of Águilas became independent from the ecclesiastical authorities in Lorca, but at the beginning of the following century it was decided..